you know what you get when you mix joop and blogging? well, you're looking at it...

Friday, September 15, 2006

Later that evening...

I know the idea of this thing is to post thoughts and ideas about recent events, but shit, I've had no time... so today we continue from where I last left off. (Unfortunately I fail miserably when it comes to procrastinating my procrastination.)

SO, I can't sleep so I decide to wander - completely aimlessly. I end up walking around the old town (on the western side of the city) checking out shops, restaurants, and girls. I mean, Austin has its fair share of beautiful women, it being a university city and all, but I think if Zurich and Austin had a beauty pageant show-down, Zurich would win 9 to 1, and then dig its high heel into the back of the other. I'm just sayin....

I check out a couple of apparel shops with hip-hop or electronic music blaring out of its doors, searching for flyers and other hints of events going on in the city on a Saturday night... I picked up this German rag that’s written in English that is totally dope. I completely forget the name of it right now as it is sitting at my hotel, but will definitely post it later.

After this I realize that it's already noon, and I'm mind-numbingly hungry, so I decide to peruse for a nibble. The nice thing about Europe is that much like we have 6th street in Austin, there are lots of places you can find with cafes / bars / restaurants that are all nicely placed in the same area. Case in point: the street where I decide to eat. It's littered with all of the aforementioned, on both sides - people sitting outside, drinking, eating, socializing... completely wonderful, and relaxed. I decide to eat at a small Italian place, which was decent for the price, and completely filling, despite the portions not being 'American' sized.

There's nothing quite in life that can compare to a good meal - I really mean it. Of course, these things are best when you have company, as eating is a social event, however it is something that on occasion, can be completely enjoyed in solitude. Especially when you're in a place that nobody knows you, and vice versa (given that you're not the one cooking, of course.) My meal started with a glass of red Italian wine, (I forget the name), and a half order of the house appetizer: Fresh proscuitto, kalmata olives, bread, and two poached egg whites over rucola. Divine. Next was a cold zucchini-mint soup: excellent. Then I had penne with small baby cow and tomato sauce. Mmm-mmm. The price was pretty standard, all in all I spent about 40 bucks, but then again, I get to expense it ;)

My continued wandering takes me to the roof of the local university, from which you get a pretty darn good view of the entire city, which is about half a million people, two rivers, and the lake. The weather was perfect too- clear skies, sunny and cool, in the mid 70's. Soon thereafter my food coma kicked in, and I went to pass out for the rest of the afternoon.

When I awoke it was already dark outside. I had no idea what time it was, as I had no watch and my cell-phone was dead. I freshen up and decide to go out again as it was Saturday night, after all. And I had a mission: joop.

My continued wandering took me to the central station, where they have a ton of underground shops and restaurants. I did manage to catch a glimpse of the time as I walked down to it (they have HUGE clock-towers here) and it was getting a bit late (around 11p.m.) So I grab a bite to eat at this kebap stand… (These things are like the turkish-european version of McDonalds) Not to dog on them (I did eat there) but these things can be found anywhere you go. (And I mean, anywhere!) The people watching was fun too. Seeing younger cats stoned out of their minds getting food, and others walking around with a twelve-pack under their arms grabbing a late (but not too late) night bite to eat...

During this time I looked through the flyers and things I had gathered earlier in the day, and find out about this cd-release party that seemed decent to check out. I was all about it until I realized a) I had no idea where this was, and I had left my map at the hotel. b) I was too lazy to ask someone for directions and try to remember them. And c) I was hankering for a beer and needed one STAT.

Thus I walk down the main street of the shopping district, tailing behind other groups of people and listening for music. Within 15 minutes of wandering, I came across a group of people standing outside the bottom floor of what looked like a tower. Now, it was a bit hard to describe, as the entrance was cylindrical in nature, and had a spiral staircase that led you to the second floor, which opened up to a huge cubical dancehall. Less to say, it was a fairly interesting architectural feat. There were a ton of Africans, and few white people dispersed amongst the crowd like beacons in the sea at night. Less to say, it turned out to be a hip-hop event for this African MC from Nigeria. I'm inside for 25 bucks, then another 7 for a tallboy Heineken. Shit, I'm running out of money quickly... All in all, I was inside for about 5 minutes before I notice guys rolling up spliffs in the corner...time to get my game face on...

Two beers, a shot of whiskey, a red bull for some bloke I didn't know, a bunch of small talk and 40chf (franks, since they still don't use the euro) later, it's jooptime! Snap! In less than 24 hours of my arrival in a place I had never been to in my life, I scored. I think it might be a personal record! Lol.

As for the rest of the evening, I was pretty let down. For the amount of money these people must have put into production costs, the show was pretty lame; and I have seen my fair share of international shows. The venue was dope, no doubt about it. But I practically had to press my ear to the speaker to hear the sound, and even then there wasn't any 'bump' to it. I mean, these people had professional video recording equipment setup in the back, and to the sides of the stage to record it all, and couldn't even get the sound right. On top of this, the dj stopped in the middle of tracks, the mc's sounded like they were at a freakin' karaoke bar where the background song was turned up too loud, and altogether they had practically no idea on how to rock a crowd. I think I counted over ten times where they intermittently stopped the show and started again. Utter shite if you ask me. Had it not been for the joop score, the drunken guy who gave me free Courvoisier for smoking him out, and the fact that I wandered in there in the first place, I would have been pissed for wasting my time and money.

But given the circumstances, I can say I had a decent time. I managed to stumble back to my hotel without getting jacked, and had all of my crap with me the next morning, (which doesn't even happen in Austin sometimes) including a nice hangover to top it all off....wheeeeeee!


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